A Publication of WTVP

Class of 2023

by Peoria Magazine |
2023 Cover Story Nov paper dolls

40 Leaders Under Forty

2023 has produced another stellar crop of Forty Under 40s, ranging in age from 27 to 39, cutting across multiple careers and contributions. But what’s striking about this group is the admirable way so many have triumphed over the adversity in their lives.

Click/tap on individuals below to learn more about them.

Reema Abi-Akar
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Abi-Akar, Reema

David Aduama
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Aduama, David

Dr. Aline Azar
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Azar, Dr. Aline

Brynne Behringer
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Behringer, Brynne

Sara Caruso
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Caruso, Sara

Jenna Cicciarelli Wiesner
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Cicciarelli Wiesner, Jenna

Jessica Clark
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Clark, Jessica

Abby A. Cotta
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Cotta, Abby A.

Brent Cross
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Cross, Brent

Nicole Hayse
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Hayse, Nicole

Heather Himstedt
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Himstedt, Heather

Carolina Huser
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Huser, Carolina

Samira Kashem
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Kashem, Samira

Chad R. Kirkenmeier
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Kirkenmeier, Chad R.

Andrew Kitterman
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Kitterman, Andrew

Stephen Anthony Kouri II
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Kouri II, Stephen Anthony

Courtney Lee
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Lee, Courtney

Ryan J. Lucas
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Lucas, Ryan J.

Ryan Luginbuhl
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Luginbuhl, Ryan

Lauren McBain
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

McBain, Lauren

Megan McGann
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

McGann, Megan

Dalton Mellon
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Mellon, Dalton

Daniel Meminger
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Meminger, Daniel

Daniel Mikos
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Mikos, Daniel

Bobby Murray
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Murray, Bobby

Danny Phelan
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Phelan, Danny

40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Proctor, Jacobie

Trent Reeise
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Reeise, Trent

Lisa Repper
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Repper, Lisa

Kara Roat
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Roat, Kara

Christina Robinson
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Robinson, Christina

Matt Rupert
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Rupert, Matt

Andrea Schaidle
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Schaidle, Andrea

40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Uddavolu, Rajendhar

Lacy Wall
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Wall, Lacy

Luke Wolff
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Wolff, Luke

Caleb Wyss
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Wyss, Caleb

Manajyoti Yadav
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Yadav, Manajyoti

40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Young, Celsy

Zac Zetterberg
40 Leaders Under Forty
40 Leaders Under Forty

Zetterberg, Zac

